Total Body Crusher

Who’s ready to crush it this #WorkoutWednesday?
We’re kicking off March with a total body crusher from the one & only Rachel Brascetta (and a few special guests)!
Equipment Needed: 2 Dumbbells
Estimated Time: 25 - 30 Minutes
45 seconds each / 5 sets
30 seconds rest between sets
1. Dumbbell Squat Press
- Start with your legs shoulder width apart, with your dumbbells resting slightly on your shoulders, palms facing each other.
- Perform a normal squat, with the weights still resting on your shoulders.
- As you're driving yourself back up, press the weights up into the air until your arms are fully extended.
- Lower the weights back onto your shoulders and repeat for 45 seconds.
2. Pulsing Lunges
- Start with one leg forward in a 90 degree angle, with the other leg extended back. Hold both dumbbells down to your sides.
- Slowly lower your body down towards the ground until your back knee touches the floor.
- Bring yourself back into the starting position.
- Pulse down towards the ground and back up for 45 seconds.
3. Bent Over Dumbbell Row
- Start with your legs shoulder width apart, with your body bent over, making sure your back stays straight, not slumped.
- Hold your weights at your sides, palms facing each other.
- Let your arms drop towards the ground, then pull them back up towards your sides, keeping your back flat.
- Continue this rowing motion with your dumbbells for 45 seconds.
4. Leg Raises
- Start with your back flat on the ground. We recommend having something heavy or sturdy to hold on to behind your head.
- Keeping your legs straight and pressed together, bring them straight up.
- Making sure to keep your back flat on the ground the entire time, slowly bring your legs back down towards the ground, but not completely down.
- Repeat (without dropping your legs back down to the ground) for 45 seconds
Recommended Equipment: KoreSurge
Estimated Time: 5 minutes
Using KoreSurge’s localized vibration therapy to massage your entire body, from shoulders to calves, for 5 - 10 minutes post-workout can make a huge difference in your recovery process. Focusing on rolling out areas that feel tight will release any tension or stiffness, helping your muscles heal and grow.