No Weight Booty Burner

It’s the best day of the week … #WorkoutWednesday!
Tone your glutes with MMA fighter Rachel Cummins’ quick, no equipment, at-home booty burner.
Equipment Needed: None
Estimated Time: 15 Minutes
20 reps, 5 sets for each exercise. Take a 30 second break between each.
1. Bridge Ups
- Lie down with your back flat on the ground, your knees bent, and your feet flat under your knees.
- Push down into your heels and drive your hips up to the sky, while keeping your back flat on the ground.
2. One-Legged Bridge Ups
- Start with your left foot placed flat on the ground, and your right leg bent, so your foot is hanging by your knee.
- sing your arms to balance, slowly drive your right leg back, while your arms go down to the ground.
- Using your left leg to balance, bring your body and right leg back into starting position.
- Repeat on other side.
3. Kickbacks & Fire Hydrants
- Start on all fours, making sure your wrists are aligned with your shoulders, as well as your knees under your hips.
- Keeping your back straight, extend your leg back until your thigh is parallel to the floor.
- Bring your knee back down into starting position.
- Lock your elbows and raise your leg out to the side until it becomes parallel with your hips.
- Bring your leg back down into starting position and repeat on the other side.
4. Pulse Squats
- With your legs hip-width apart, perform a squat like you normally would.
- Rather than coming back up to the starting position, pulse your body up and down, holding that low squat, for three counts.
- Rise back into starting position and repeat.
5. Jump Squats
- Starting with your feet shoulder-width apart, perform a squat like you normally would.
- Once your body is as low as you can go, jump up as high as you can.
- When you land, lower yourself immediately back into squat position and repeat.
Recommended Equipment: KoreSurge
Estimated Time: 5 Minutes
Using KoreSurge’s localized vibration therapy to massage your glutes and lower body for 5 - 10 minutes post-workout can make a huge difference in your recovery process. Focusing on rolling out your lower body will release any tension or stiffness, helping your muscles heal and grow.