Tom Brady Teaches Us How To Stay Fit In Our 40s

Tom Brady Teaches Us How We Can Keep Getting Better Even As We Get Older
It tends to be one of the top conversations heading into each NFL season, at least, for the past decade or so. Is this the end for Tom Brady? Back in 2019, when the 7-time Super Bowl champion and then 42 year-old Brady entertained the idea of playing football until he was 45, most fans and sports journalists scoffed at the idea. But now, it’s 2021 and the 44 year-old Brady isn’t just still playing. He’s still dominating.
What Does Brady Do?
What Can You Do?
Invest in a smart watch or a smart scale that can monitor your health & body statistics & keep you informed.
It’s helpful to track your vital signs and your body’s functions to know what’s really going on and learn how different foods and exercises can affect things like your metabolism and stress levels.
What Does Brady Do?
After training with weights for most of his young career, Brady realized that despite getting stronger, his workouts often left him feeling sore. As he aged, it was clear he couldn’t quite put the same strain on his body that he used to. That’s why he transitioned his lifting regime to almost exclusively resistance bands exercises - at least 90% of all his physical fitness.
Brady and his team stress the importance of muscle pliability: keeping your muscles long, resilient, and moving without restriction.He focuses on functional exercises that mimic movements and stressors his body encounters when he is playing football or living his everyday life. By making his muscles, tendons, and ligaments pliable, they don’t go through as much strain when it is time to perform. His body has been trained for that stress.
What Can You Do?
Physical fitness is essential to a long and healthy life. Even just 15-20 minutes of exercise or strength training a day will help prevent heart disease and cancer as well as improve brain function. First things first, get yourself some resistance bands! If they work for the GOAT, they’ll work for you, too. Resistance bands are great because they are low-impact - meaning way less strain and inflammation in your muscles. Without the reliance on gravity, the bands allow for a more fluid range of motion that will help to lengthen your muscles. You may not be putting on pads every Sunday, but it’s good to find an activity that will feed that competitive spirit. Golf is a popular one. But if that’s not for you, maybe try tennis, cycling, swimming, or racquetball. Anything that will light that competitive fire! While you’re at it, incorporate some functional exercise techniques that align with the type of exercise you prefer. This will help create muscle pliability.Mind
What Does Brady Do?
Mental toughness and intense competitiveness is something that has always set Brady apart from his peers. Famous for countless clutch game-winning drives, Brady wrote the playbook on what it looks like to stay “cool” under the most high-pressure situations. Still, this wasn’t something that came easy. This mental fortitude was meticulously developed through plenty of struggles and setbacks. Very early in his career he was able to understand the importance of controlling what you can control, and putting your best foot forward. I think the short story below provides a great representation of what really makes Brady different. In an interview with the Howard Stern Show, Brady shared a moment early in his career at the University of Michigan when he was struggling for playing time and his confidence began to wane. He sought the help of a psychologist who gave him crucial advice that stuck with him throughout his career. "If they only give you three reps in practice, do the best you can with those three. And then, if you do well with those three, they’ll give you five. If you do well with those five, they’ll give you 10...And then finally, I started doing great with those three, and then I did great with those five and I did great with those 10, then I ended up being the guy who was getting 30, and the other guys were getting three."What Can You Do?
Believe in the power of positive thinking! That doesn’t just mean when you are exercising, but in every aspect of your life! If you only get in a 20-minute workout, don’t let that discourage you. Be like Brady! Do your best to get the most you can out of those 20-minutes. Lack of confidence, harboring regret, and negativity can weigh on a person. It’s so important to focus on controlling things that you can control and accepting the things you can’t. If you’re struggling with anxiety or dealing with other traumas that hold you back, don’t be afraid to seek help from a therapist. It’s absolutely necessary to exercise our brains just as much as our bodies. Invest in your mental wealth!